For Adults


Movie Mondays

Each Friday  we host a movie in the library.  It's a great way to end the week by seeing some familiar faces while watching movies. Coffee is provided. 

We have limited "comfy" seating so feel free to bring a fold up chair. 


In Stitches

Every Friday, from 10:00 to 11:00, we host a casual weekly gathering of community adults for sewing, knit, crochet or other handcrafting and fun with Pastor Kim.  No sign-up is necessary; just swing by to end the week on a positive note, with some friendly conversation and a good time. 


Baking Collection

We're happy to hold a growing collection of cookies cutters and brownie pans available for check out. Whether you're baking for fun or a special occasion, these items will help bring the fun to your kitchen.  


Moms Sharing Shelf

The Moms Sharing Shelf if a shelf dedicated to baby and postpartum care products.  Take what you wish and feel free to drop off excess items.  Being a Mom is hard, let's just help each other out and share!